It is among the teaching priorities of Hacettepe University that students acquire the skill sets required by the professions of the future throughout their academic lives. In this context, our Center focuses on students’ learning and innovative skills; aims to organize trainings for them to acquire a series of future skills grouped under the headings of life and career skills and information, media and technology skills. Our center aims to provide techniques that will help our students to understand the concepts of academic, professional and social life and to solve problems with skill.
In order to enable our students to gain life skills, face-to-face and synchronous/asynchronous seminars&trainings are held at regular intervals. In these seminars, it is aimed to improve the problem-solving skills of Hacettepe University students by increasing their awareness of global problems. In addition, seminars on leadership, personal development, self-control, communication and cooperation are organized by experts in their fields.
With the upcoming skill seminars, traditional approaches and newly learned outputs will be compared, the results will be transferred to the students and put into practice. The main purpose of a successful CTL application is to provide materials that can be beneficial to our students’ learning life, academic success and personal development.
- Written Language in the Streets (Prof. Dr. Nurettin DEMİR)
- Strategies for Increasing Our Quality of Life through Educational Games (Assoc. Prof. Yeşim Bulca)
- Anger and Conflict Management (Assoc. Prof. Azize Atlı Özbaş)
- One of Life Skills: Time Management (Res. Asst. Sevda Öztürk)
- Sustainable Gender Equality: Why and How? (Asst. Prof. Pelin Dinçer)
- AKUT and Disaster Awareness (Mehmet Murat Boz)
- Understanding the Psychological Consequences of Disasters and Well-being (Instr. Assoc. Dr. Dilek Avcı)
- Popular Diets and Facts (Prof. Dr. Aslı Akyol Mutlu)
- BYN 101: Neo Brain (Dr. Instructor Serkan Karaismailoğlu)
- Managing Emotions (Dr. Instructor Melike Ayça AY KAATSIZ)
- Assertiveness (Res. Asst. Gülşah YILDIZ AYTAÇ)
- Conflict Management (Assoc. Prof. Azize ATLI ÖZBAŞ)
- Managing Emotions (Dr. Instructor Melike Ayça AY KAATSIZ)
- Protection from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Res. Asst. Rabiye Akın IŞIK)
- Interpersonal Communication (Assoc. Prof. Burcu Şimşek)
- Annotated Classical Music Conversation (Prof. Rengim GÖKMEN)
- Conflict Management (Assoc. Prof. Azize ATLI ÖZBAŞ)
- Sexual Health 101 (Dr. Instructor Fatma USLU ŞAHAN)
- University Life and Sustainability (Assoc. Prof. Pınar Gözen Ercan)
- New Working Order After the Pandemic (Afşin Akdoğan –
- Importance of Software Engineering and Career Development in This Field (Fatih Küçükyavuz –
- Web3 Technologies (Abdullah Çetin Çavdar –
- Technology Addiction (Prof. Dr. Sadi Seferoğlu – Hacettepe University)
- Teamwork and Assistive Technological Tools as a 21st Century Skill (Emre Birced-KOLT)
- Communication with Academicians (Dr. İlknur Bayram-TED University)
- Introduction to R Education (Dr. Lecturer Eren Halil Özberk-Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LıfBi)
- Gender Equality (Halil İbanoğlu-Social Equality Expert)