Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center

We support evidence-based and inclusive learning and teaching practices, educational programs and training, community building, and strong collaborations and partnership with all the departments.

Our Activities

  • To support the professional development of faculty,
  • To support and provide effective teaching,
  • To create an environment that values all perspectives, experiences and contributions,
  • To promote and practice evidence-based strategies and recognize the assets that all faculty brings to the classroom,
  • To carry out programs for the academic staff who have just started academic life and ensuring their adaptation to the university.
  • To provide trainings to improve the teaching skills of newly appointed research assistants and lecturers,
  • To offer programs that will support the academic and personal development of students,
  • It aims to conduct research on improving learning environments and reflecting innovative practices in the classroom, publishing the results of these researches and sharing them with those concerned.

Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions

ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Directive; Established as a subordinate of Hacettepe University, Hacettepe University regulates the organization, management, working procedures and principles of the Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center.

ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Directive covers the provisions regarding the aims, fields of activity, administrative bodies, duties and working principles of the Hacettepe University Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center.

ARTICLE 3 – (1) This Directive; 7. and 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
prepared on the basis of.

ARTICLE 4 – (1) In this Directive;
a) Advisory Board: Advisory Board of the Center,
b) Center: Hacettepe University, Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center,
c) Director: Center Director,
ç) Rector: Rector of Hacettepe University,
d) Rectorate: Hacettepe University Rectorate,
e) University: Hacettepe University,

Aims and Fields of Activity of the Center

Objectives of the Center
ARTICLE 5 – (1) Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center; It provides the following services in order to contribute to the development and implementation of sustainable teaching and learning approaches in accordance with the university’s teaching policy:
a) To offer trainings aimed at developing innovative and sustainable teaching skills to faculty members,
b) To provide information resources and training programs that support innovative and sustainable academic identity development for new faculty members,
c) To offer orientation-based programs and trainings for research assistants in order to support their professional and academic development,
ç) To carry out studies to support the psychological and social development of students along with their academic development,
d) Conducting quality research aimed at developing an innovative and sustainable learning environment; To set short and long-term goals by publishing research results and sharing with stakeholder institutions and units,
e) To provide consultancy services to stakeholders and institutions within and outside the university within the scope of the center’s working areas,
f) To ensure that target revisions are carried out in line with the evaluation, reporting and report results at certain time intervals of the work and activities of the Center.
(2) All activities carried out by the Center, within the scope of Hacettepe University’s mission and teaching policy, take care of supporting the needs of academic stakeholders at an innovative and sustainable level by considering the basic goals and values ​​of the university.

Areas of activity of the center
ARTICLE 6 – (1) The Center carries out activities based on cooperation with the relevant academic and administrative stakeholders of the university and the relevant units of national and international universities in order to realize the objectives in Article 5 of this Directive.
2) The Center offers the following activities to the teaching staff who want to acquire and develop their innovative and sustainable teaching skills:
a) To organize studies to raise awareness, knowledge and skills regarding the innovative and sustainable teaching process for the new faculty members,
b) To organize studies to raise awareness, knowledge and skills regarding the innovative and sustainable teaching process for current academic staff,
c) To provide individual or group counseling services in order to develop innovative and sustainable teaching skills for faculty members,
d) To organize activities that will allow the teaching staff in different fields and departments to share their knowledge, experience and experience,
(3) The Center offers training and seminars to students in order to support their psychological and social development as well as their academic development. The services and programs offered to students are listed below:
a) To provide academic support with the tutoring program in order to support the academic development of the students,
b) To provide seminars and educational activities with the match of supporting the psychological and social development of students to become adults with positive identity development,
c) To carry out studies based on cooperation with the relevant departments, centers and units for the psychological and social development of students,
ç) To carry out prevention-based studies that provide awareness, knowledge and skill acquisition for situations that may prevent or impede the psychological, social and academic development of students,
d) To carry out activities aimed at raising awareness, knowledge and skills in order to ensure that students benefit from the innovative and sustainable education environment at the maximum level,
e) To provide individual and group-based psychological counseling and guidance services in order to support students’ psychological well-being and identity development,
f) Adaptation programs to support the academic, psychological, social and university environment of first-year university students.

Governing Bodies and Duties of the Center

The governing bodies of the center
ARTICLE 7 – (1) The governing bodies of the Center are as follows:
a) Center Manager,
b) Advisory Board.

Center Director
ARTICLE 8 – (1) The director of the Center has research, application and training experience in the fields of activity of the Center. He is appointed by the Rector for a period of 3 years. The Director whose term of office has expired may be appointed more than once. The Director makes the planning, execution and arrangements related to the operation of the Center.
Duties of the center manager
ARTICLE 9 – (1) The duties of the Center Director are as follows:
a) Represents the center.
b) Calls the Central Advisory Board to a meeting and chairs these committees.
c) Implements the decisions taken, ensures the necessary coordination and supervision, carries out the administrative affairs of the Center.
ç) It ensures that the services provided at the Center are regularly provided, evaluated and developed in accordance with the purpose, scientific and ethical principles.
d) It is responsible for the regular and efficient work of the staff of the Center in cooperation.
e) It ensures that the Center works in communication and cooperation with the academic-administrative units, student representatives and student societies at the University.
f) At the end of each activity period, it ensures that the annual work report of the Center and the next year’s work program draft are prepared and submitted to the University administration.
g) Responsible to the Rector for the regular execution and development of the work of the Center.
ğ) Ensures participation in national/international scientific and professional activities related to the aims and activities of the Center.
h) Creates and executes joint projects with persons, units, institutions and organizations related to the work area of ​​the Center within the framework of cooperation and/or coordination principles.
ı) Determines the need for academic, administrative and technical personnel to work at the Center and submits proposals for their assignments to the Rectorate.

Deputy Center Directors
ARTICLE 10 – (1) He is appointed by the Rector for a period of 3 years upon the recommendation of the Director of the Center. There are two Deputy Directors in the center. These are experts with training and research experience in the Center’s fields of activity. When the Director of the Center is not on duty, they deputize for him. Deputy Center Managers fulfill the duties assigned to them by the Center Manager.

Central Advisory Board
ARTICLE 13 – (1) In the Advisory Board, there are people who work in the center’s fields of activity, have experience and can be consulted when necessary. The members of the Central Advisory Board are appointed with the proposal of the Center Director and the approval of the Rector. The Central Advisory Board consists of at least 5 members from inside and outside the University. The term of office of the members of the Advisory Board is three years. Members whose membership period has expired can be reassigned. The Advisory Board convenes at least once a year, and when necessary, upon the invitation of the Center Director. When necessary, the Director of the Center may invite the members of the Advisory Board to a meeting to benefit from their thoughts and experiences, to get their views and to give information about their activities.

Duties of the central advisory board
ARTICLE 14 – (1) The Central Advisory Board evaluates the work of the Center, its long-term scientific and managerial plans and makes recommendations to the Center.

Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Personnel needs
ARTICLE 15 – (1) The academic, technical and administrative personnel needs of the Center are met by the personnel to be appointed by the Rector in accordance with Article 13 of the Law No. 2547.

Spending officer
ARTICLE 16 – (1) The spending authority of the Center is the Rector. The Rector may delegate this authority to the Vice-Rector and/or the Director of the Center.

ARTICLE 17 – (1) This Directive enters into force on the date of its publication.

ARTICLE 18 – (1) The provisions of this Directive are executed by the Rector of Hacettepe University.

Our Team

Prof. Dr. Aydın Ulucan
Prof. Dr. Yasemin Demiraslan Çevik
Coordinator Assistant
Technology Mentoring Coordinator / Course Design Workshop Coordinator
Res. Asst. Dr. İpek Derman
Coordinator Assistant
Teaching Observation Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Pınar Gözen Ercan
Project Consultant
Project Consultant
Innovative Teaching Sharing Manager
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Kaya
Postgraduate Talks Coordinator
Asst. Prof. Emre Yılmazkaya
Life Skills Seminars Coordinator
Lec. Dr. Dilek Avcı
Academic Peer Support Coordinator
Res. Asst. İsmail Bezci
Visual Design Supervisor
Res. Asst. Dr. S. Yeşer Aslanoğlu
Academic Orientation Coordinator

Administrative Staff

Zeynep Şimşek
Computer Operator
Hatice Akan
Computer Operator